Our expertise

You asked. We delivered.

We’re offering more this year than ever before, simply because you’ve told us what you want.

We still focus on the brain and mind because they are remarkable things, and knowing how they work (and how they don’t) gives us an advantage in getting the most from them. After all, they’re the currency of the knowledge economy.

We’ll help you maximise wellbeing and performance through understanding your brain, mind, and behaviour and then applying strategies for change. This will help you create more productive people and teams, build teams that self-manage health and safety, and develop a culture of collaborative success. If you’re looking specifically for Psychological Safety, you’ll find it here.

The material we specialise in can be provided in workshop or seminar form, as coaching or consulting. We work with individuals needing some assistance, managers, leaders and teams, to get the improvements you want.

While we can provide our standard seminars and workshops, we recommend a co-designed programme for maximum return.

You can always have a chat with us.




Stress continues to be a hot topic. It’s a truism that your people are your best asset, and both they, and you, want them to perform well. How does stress impact performance? This programme explains stress, how we react to stress, and what we can do about it. We help with a personal and organisational plan, not just tips.

We’ll help you gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of emotions and how they work, including emotions and the brain, difficult emotions, the science of stress and its effects on mind and body, and how we can navigate and manage emotions in difficult times. You’ll learn strategies to use to help you and others.



You’ve probably heard people say we should build resilience. We agree. We also know it can be truly difficult. In this programme we’ll work with you to unpack resilience, sorting facts from fads, and creating plans not platitudes. In our modern workplace it’s important to acknowledge sources of stress, and reservoirs of resilience.

Perhaps you or others are feeling cynical about work, fatigued, easily sick, lost, not up to it, ground down, or generally dissatisfied. Maybe you’re experiencing burnout. This short course introduces what burnout is and isn’t, what’s happening, how to recognise it, and what you can do to help yourself or your team. Along the way, we provide some measures you can use.



Sleep is one of the most critical things we can do and this is one of our most requested workshops. We all need it, and we all want it, but we don’t all understand it. You’ll delve into the fascinating biology of sleep, explore its rhythms and patterns, discover how sleep impacts your day and your day impacts sleep, look at how sleep affects memory, learning and so many other things.

Wellbeing and performance go hand-in-hand; we generally perform better when we feel better. Getting wellbeing right is a balance between personal efforts, team efforts, and organisational efforts. This programme navigates the science of wellbeing, and helps you shape a corporate wellbeing programme that works.


This is a one day workshop for managers and team leaders on understanding mental health. This will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to feel more confident with mental health concerns among your team and colleagues, and equip you with some tools in the event you need them.

Want to chat?

Use the form below, and we’ll help you with what you need. Everything is customisable. Just ask!

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